Dear women! Today is yours, and so is ever other day. Be happy, live your life fully, do whatever you want and may all you dreams come true! Happy Women’s Day!
Read MoreEmployees of the department are associate professor Sultanova M.H. and assistant Pulatova Sh.B. Lectures were given at the 1st Republican College of Public Health named after Abu Ali Ibn Sino. Topics of lectures: “Diseases of the digestive system and methods of examination” and “Nursing in atherosclerosis and hypertension”
Read MoreOn 25.02.2021 at our department was held a STUDENT SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE The winners of the conference were the 1st place student of the 501st group of the medical faculty Bahodirjonov Tokhirjon – recommended for the next stage. The 2nd place was awarded to Akhmedova Shoxsanam, a student of 403 groups, and Bahranova Yulduz, a student…
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