The plan for consultation of 1 faculty and hospital, department of occupational diseases and doctors of the arthrology department of IADK as rheumatologists in therapy and surgical blocks of TTAKTK 2023 2024 academic year

No Section names Body floor IADK employees Department staff
1 Surgery 1 case


1-3 floors

Ord. Yusupova G.SH Dot Bekenova GT (977746840)
2 Surgery 1 case



Ord. Yusupova G.SH Dot Matchanov S.Kh.


3 Obstetrics and Gynecology 6 cases Ord. Madieva I.O. Ms. Sultanova M.Kh


4 Rehabilitation 7 buildings, 2 floors Ord. Samadova DU Ass Polatova SH.B.


5 Resuscitation I and Resuscitation II, Vascular surgery 1st building on the 6th floor and 1st floor Ord. Samadova DU Ms. Hidoyatova MR



5 Adults ENT,

YX and QDA (gn xir)

8 cases Ord. KurbanovaSH.R Asst. Berdieva DU

(90062617. )

6 SY and JRPXO (osteomyelitis)

–          Allergology

8 buildings 5 ​​and 6 floors Ord KurbanovaSH.R. Asst. Berdiev)a DU


7 Nervous diseases 9 buildings, 1 floor Ord. Kamolova DK Ass Shiranova SA (909471950 )
8 Intensive therapy and therapy resuscitation 9 buildings, 2 floors Ord. Ismailova Z.SH Dot. Djuraeva ER


9 General therapy and nephrology 9 buildings, 5 floors Ord. Yusupova G.SH. Ass.. Israelov AA


10 Cardiorehabilitation 9 buildings, 4 floors Ord Kurbanova Sh.R. Asst. Ganieva NA


11 Cardiology and cardioreanimation 12 buildings, 1 floor Ord. Isakova MB Dr. Mukhammadieva SM


12 Gastrointestinal diseases 12 buildings, 2 floors Ord. Kamalova DK Kat okt Ziyaeva FK


13 Hepatobiliary department 12 buildings, 3 floors Ord. Ismailova Z.SH Kat okt Ziyaeva FK.


14 Pulmonology 12 buildings, 4 floors Ord. Isakova MB Dr. Abduazizova N.Kh


15 Cerebrovascular pathology 12 cases

4 floors

Ord. Isakova MB Dr. Abduazizova N.Kh


16 Somatoneurology 12 buildings, 5 floors Ord Kurbanovv SH.R. Ass Polatova SH.B.


17 General therapy 12 buildings, 5 floors Ord. Isakova MB Ass Polatova SH.B.


18 Endocrinology and hematology 12 buildings, 6 floors Ord. Samadova DU Asst. Dr. Sagatova

(998234293 )


Head of the department, tfd Nabieva.DA

Sagatova D. R. is responsible for treatment




Consultation days of department staff at the Republican Rheumatology Center and IADK Arthrology Department

2023 – 2024 academic year



Days of the week FISH. Position



Sultonova M.Kh tfn, Dotent


Dr. Sagatova Assistant


Mukhammadieva SM


tfn, Dotent
FC Ziyaeva


Head teacher
Wednesday Dzhoraeva ER


tfn, Dotent


Berdieva DU Assistant
Thursday Rizamukhamedova MZ Professor
Bekenova GT tfn, Dotent
Friday Nabieva DA Professor tfd, head of the department
Abduazizova N.Kh. tfn, Dotent






Matchanov S.Kh tfn, Dotent
Pulatova Sh.B Assistant







Head of the department, tfd Nabieva.DA

Dr. Sagatova is responsible for treatment






The treatment schedule of the department’s staff


No FISH Position Treatment work
1 . Nabieva D.A


Head of the department SKAL and professor review in departments
2 Rizamukhamedova MZ


professor SKAL and professor review in departments
3 Matchanov S.Kh Docent Dotent examination in the Department of Cardiorheumatology
4 Dzhoraeva ER Docent Dotent examination in the Department of Rheumatology
5 Sultonova M.Kh Docent Dotent examination in the Department of Rheumatology
6 Abduazizova N.Kh Docent Dotent examination in the Department of Rheumatology
7 Mukhamadieva SM Docent Dotent examination in the Department of Rheumatology
8 Khidoyatova MR


Docent Dotent examination in the Department of Rheumatology
9 Bekenova GT Docent Dotent examination in the Department of Cardiorheumatology
10 FC Ziyaeva big ukt Seeing patients on the ward in the rheumatology department
11 Dr. Sagatova assistant Seeing patients on the ward in the rheumatology department
12 Berdieva DU assistant Seeing patients on the ward in the rheumatology department
13 Shiranova Sh.A.


assistant Seeing patients on the ward in the rheumatology department
14 Pulatova SH.B assistant Seeing patients in the ward in the cardiorheumatology department
15 Ganieva NA assistant Seeing patients in the ward in the cardiorheumatology department
16 .Israelov AA assistant Seeing patients in the ward in the cardiorheumatology department