Abduazizova Nargiza Khakimjonovna
1989–1995gg. – Tashkent State Medical Institute
1995–1996gg. – Internship of 1 city clinic in Tashkent, specialty rheumatology
1996–2000gg. – physician resident in the department of cardiology of the 1st clinic of II Tashkent State Medical Institute
2000–2002gg.– clinical resident of the department of “faculty and hospital therapy with the course of traditional medicine of the medical faculty and internal diseases of the medical-prophylactic faculty” II Tashkent State Medical Institute
2003–2008gg. – assistant of the department of “faculty and hospital therapy with the course of traditional medicine of the medical faculty and internal diseases of the medical-prophylactic faculty” of the Tashkent Medical Academy
2008–2012gg. – the competitor of the department of “faculty and hospital therapy with the course of traditional medicine of the medical faculty and internal diseases of the medical-prophylactic faculty” of the Tashkent Medical Academy (the diploma of the candidate of medical sciences)
2012–2016gg. – assistant of the department of “faculty and hospital therapy with the course of traditional medicine of the medical faculty and internal diseases of the medical-prophylactic faculty” of the Tashkent Medical Academy
2016–2017gg. – senior lecturer of the department “1 – faculty and hospital therapy” of the Tashkent Medical Academy
2017g. – associate professor of the department “1 – faculty and hospital therapy” of the Tashkent Medical Academy
Work experience:
1989–1995gg. – student of the Tashkent State Medical Institute
1995–1996gg. – internship 1 Tashkent city clinic
1996–2000gg. – physician resident in the department of cardiology of the 1st clinic of II Tashkent State Medical Institute
2000–2002gg. – clinical resident of the department of “faculty and hospital therapy with the course of traditional medicine of the medical faculty and internal diseases of the medical-prophylactic faculty” II Tashkent State Medical Institute
2003–2008gg. – assistant of the department of “faculty and hospital therapy with the course of traditional medicine of the medical faculty and internal diseases of the medical-prophylactic faculty” of the Tashkent Medical Academy
2008 –2012gg. – the competitor of the department of “faculty and hospital therapy with the course of traditional medicine of the medical faculty and internal diseases of the medical-prophylactic faculty” of the Tashkent Medical Academy
2012–2016gg. – assistant of the department of “faculty and hospital therapy with the course of traditional medicine of the medical faculty and internal diseases of the medical-prophylactic faculty” of the Tashkent Medical Academy
2016–2017gg. – senior lecturer of the department “1 – faculty and hospital therapy” of the Tashkent Medical Academy
2017 g. – associate professor of the department of “1-faculty and hospital therapy” of the Tashkent Medical Academy
Scientific activity:
2012 g. – defended her thesis on the topic “Rheumatoid arthritis nafas tiziminging clinic-functional holati va nga neghizli davo tasiri”, Tashkent
The main areas of practice:
Early diagnostics of rheumatological diseases and modern methods of treatment
The main directions of the activity of the park are:
Early diagnostics of rheumatological diseases and modern methods of treatment
2014 g. “Инсонга наф келтириш олий бахт Ўзбекистон касаба уюшмалари федерацияси кенгаши фахрий ёрлиғи
The main scientific works for the last 5 years:
Articles and theses:
- Клинико–инструментальные особенности поражения легких при ревматоидном артрите, тезис, Тезисы научно–практической конференции «Современные лечебно–диагностические технологии и стандарты при заболеваниях внутренних органов». Терапевтический вестник Узбекистана № 4,2014 г. С.153–154
- Содержание фактора некроза опухоли–альфа в сыворотке крови у больгых ревматоидным артрите, тезис, Терапевтический вестник Узбекистана №4, 2014, С 158–159
- Применение лефлуномида в лечении ревматоидного артрита качества лекарственного обеспечения, тезис, Терапевтический вестник Узбекистана № 4,2014 г. С.154
- Клинические проявления остеосклероза при системной красной волчанке, тезис, II Евразийский съезд ревматологов. Материалы тезисов. Москва, 2014. С. 123
- Остеопороз у больных подагрой, тезис,“Коморбидные проблемы в ревматологии и онкоревматологии” Всероссийская конференция 27–29 мая 2015 года г. Казань с.39
- Оценка эффективности диацерина у работающих больных остеоартрозом различной локализации, мақола, Ўзбекистон республикаси ишлови ахолисининг саломатлигини сақлаш» III илмий амалий анжумани 2015 г. С.112–113
- Hyaluronic acid (hi–flex) in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee, тезис, Young scientist day
topical issues in medicine Materials of The 5th scientific–practical 5 апреля 2016года г. Ташкент - Особенности функции внешнего дыхания у больных ревматоидным артритом, статья, Материалы III Евразийского конгресса ревматологов г. Республика Беларусь 26–27 мая 2016г. Минск (халаро) 144 с
- Показатели функции внешего дыхания у больных ревматоидным артритом, статья, I съезд ревматологов Узбекистана 19–20 мая. г. Ташкент 2016г.6с
- Внутрисуставное введение алфлутопа больным с остеоартрозом коленных суставов, тезис, Конгресс с международным участием дни ревматологии в санкт–петербурге – 2016 сентябрь
- Опыт применения мабтерыпри лечении тяжолых форм ревматоидного артрита, тезис, V Всероссийский межрегиональный конгресс. «Балтийский медицинский форум» 14–15 июня 2016й. 63 стр
- Маркеры раннего ревматоидного артрита, тезис, “Аутоиммун ревматик касалликлар – эрта ташхислаш ва самарали даволаш йўллари” Республика илмий–амалий конференцияси 2016й стр 109
- Иммунопатологические аспекты остеоартроза с преобладанием коксартроза: систематический обзор , мақола, мақола, “Аутоиммун ревматик касалликлар – эрта ташхислаш ва самарали даволаш йўллари” Республика илмий–амалий
конференцияси 2016й стр 98–101
Teaching aids and methodological recommendations:
- Drug allergy, methodological recommendations, 2010 g.,30p.
- Systemic vasculitis, methodological recommendations, 2010 g., 32 p.
- Features of the lesion, diagnosis and treatment of extra-articular manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis, methodological recommendations 2010 g., 27 p.
- Modern approaches to the use of methotrexate in rheumatoid arthritis, methodological recommendations, 2010 g., 38 p.
- Rheumatoid arthritis, methodological recommendations, 2016 g. 59 p.
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