Therapeutic internal diseases are an important part of medicine, and many of them are serious medical and social problem. In modern conditions of patients, especially the older age groups, there is usually some internal diseases, so grows the need for doctors, internists, owning a hollow volume up to the skills of complex treatment of medical diseases and their many different combinations, allowing avoid polypharmacy and increases the value of the professional level.
On department masters on “Therapy”, also clinical interns on rheumatology are trained, with them skilled teachers of department are engaged. Classes are held at the Department faculty and hospital therapy, therapeutic clinic for basic facilities department, as well as academic medical institutions and medical centers in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Theoretical training in the specialty is held in the form of seminars in all areas of internal medicine, and includes six thematic areas (cardiology, rheumatology, pulmonology, nephrology, gastroenterology, combined pathology of internal organs).
- The purpose of training
The purpose of Masters degree in therapy is to prepare highly qualified therapists holding a proper amount of knowledge, skills, and practical skills needed in the modern therapeutic practice qualifies and subsequent licensing as professionals.
- Learning objectives:
– Develop up to date knowledge on the epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis of diseases of the internal organs;
– Develop knowledge on the use of modern diagnostic therapeutic diseases;
– To develop skills of self-determination of the required amount and a set of diagnostic and treatment interventions of therapeutic;
– To learn to take appropriate and adequate therapeutic and diagnostic procedures and therapeutic manipulation of patients in the outpatient and inpatient settings;
– Develop the ability to interpret the results of modern laboratory and instrumental studies of patients with diseases of the internal organs;
– Develop the skills of highly skilled care to date in case of emergency medical patients;
– To develop skills of intensive care for diseases of the internal organs;
– Develop knowledge on the complex social and labor rehabilitation of medical patients;
– Develop the ability to implement preventive measures to reduce the incidence of the most common therapeutic diseases and preventing their complications.
The director of a magistracy senior lecturer Matchanov S.H. with masters
Goes discussion of projects of masters
Some masters on therapy and on rheumatology are let out. All masters successfully work on a speciality, conduct research and pedagogical work.
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