6.12.2019 at 12.40-14.10 there will be an open lesson for masters of the 3rd course in the specialty therapy. Location: the THEME of the multidisciplinary clinic 9 building 2 floor Topic: “the Role of pedagogical skills in educational activities» Teacher, associate Professor Matchanov S. Kh.
Read MoreOn December 19, 2019, at 08.30, 402-420 groups of the Faculty of Medicine will conduct an open lecture on the topic “Arrhythmias and heart block”. Lecturer, assistant professor of the department Juraeva Elnora Rustamovna Place of the lecture: TTA Multidisciplinary Clinic, 9 building 2-floor
Read MoreDecember 6, 2019 at 10.05. 507 A group of the Faculty of Medicine will conduct an open lesson on the topic “SNSA. Ankylosing spondylitis. Reactive Arthritis”. The lesson will be conducted by the assistant of the department Sagatova Dilnoza Rakhimovna Location: TTA multidisciplinary clinic, building 9, 3-floor
Read MoreOn December 16, 2019 at 10.05 402 the group of the Faculty of Medicine will have an open lesson on the topic “Mitral heart diseases”. The lesson will be conducted by the assistant of the department Alieva Kristina Kamiljanovna. Place of the lesson: TMA multidisciplinary clinic, 12 building 5-floor
Read MoreAssistants of the Department Berdiyev D.U. and Mrhamidov M.V. were trained in the program of additional education on the topic “Therapy of genetically engineered biological drugs in rheumatology” in the Research Institute of Rheumatology. V.A. Nasonova, Russian Federation, city of Moscow.
Read MoreOn May 24, at 12.00, an open lecture will be held on the topic “Systemic lupus erythematosus”, to 401-402 groups of the medical faculty. Lecturer: Associate Professor, Ph.D. Sultanova M.Kh.
Read Morehe seminar: “Modern approaches to the treatment of articular syndrome” was held in hall 2 of the first clinic of the Tashkent Medical Academy on May 7, 2019 at 14.00. Speaker: doctor of medical sciences, professor, chief rheumatologist of Moscow, head of the department of rheumatology of postgraduate education Zhilyaev E.V.
Read MoreПрезидентимизнинг «Ҳар бир раҳбар ўзининг шахсий кутубхонасидан ўзи таълим олган мактаб кутубхонасига китоблар совға қилса, бу яхши ташаббус бўлиб, китобхонликни ривожлантириш билан фарзандларимиз тарбиясига ижобий таъсир кўрсатади», — дея таъкидлаган нутқларига асосланиб кафедра ходимлари 278 ва 249 умумтаълим мактабларига ташриф буюриб, мактабларнинг кутубхоналарига ўз шахсий кутубхонасидан ўқувчиларнинг ёшини инобатга олган ҳолда ўзбек ва жаҳон адабиётининг…
Read MoreWe invite you to take part in the seminar: “Modern approaches to the treatment of articular syndrome.” The seminar will be held in the hall number 2 of the first clinic of the Tashkent Medical Academy on May 7, 2019 at 14.00. Speaker: doctor of medical sciences, professor, chief rheumatologist of Moscow, head of the…
Read More12 апреля 2019 года на кафедре Факультетской и госпитальной терапии №1 лечебного факультета ТМА была проведена лекция на тему: «Серонегативные спондилоартриты: ранняя диагностика и современные методы лечения» с участием профессора кафедры общей врачебной практики №1 Исаевой Б.Г. Казахского национального медицинского университета им. С.Д. Асфендиярова (Казахстан). Также были проведены мастер-классы – осмотр больных (Асомова М., СКВ…
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